Wednesday, September 28, 2011

16 Weeks

September 27, 2011

WOW 16 weeks. It is amazing how time is flying. I receive weekly emails from I wait eagerly every Tuesday waiting for the new email to show up in my inbox. I found this photo on Baby Center and just think it is too neat.  When I stop and think about it I cannot believe that 2 tiny babies are growing inside of me. Jason and I have received such a special blessing from God. I don’t think I actually, completely believe it. I mean I know my body is changing and I am obviously growing but I still don’t think I believe such a wonderful miracle has happened to me.  God is so good.

Over the past weekend, we worked around the house in preparation for the Gender Reveal Party, which is in 11 days. YAH!  We invited our families and close friends (friends from our wedding party) to the reveal. Jason started staining the front doors on Saturday and instead of a weekend project, it has turned into a week project. Poor guy- I am such a work horse. I will post before and after photos when he is finished.  Each night this week we have plans to tackle different areas of the house.

My pregnancy is going well. I still feel like my heart is pumping extremely fast or missing a beat at times. My rate has been around 105 but gets in the 130s at times. The doctor assured me that I am fine as long as I am pain free. As far as my appetite it does not exist. Up to this point I have gained a whopping 8 pounds. I keep trying to eat a lot but food is not appealing to me. I still don’t have any cravings which is strange for me. I have more cravings when I am not pregnant than when I am- LOL But overall I am feeling good; I have the aches and pains associated with pregnancy but nothing major.

This is the first photo Jason took that I didn't edit.
It looks like he was taking the picture of Bailey and forgot about me. LOL
I am meeting with the baker today to discuss the cake design for the party.  The invitations have a small bird nest with two eggs so I am going to use that theme for the cake. I will post a separate post of the big Gender Reveal! I am so excited and can’t wait.

1 comment:

  1. Im so happy I found your blog! Congratulations on your pregnancy!
