Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How many sweet peas will it be?

July 27, 2011
I could not believe this day had finally arrived.  We were so excited but I was also so sick. I think my morning sickness got 10 times worse leading up to this special day! Mom was at the house at 7am ready to go. She was so excited and didn’t sleep hardly any the night before. We picked Mrs. June up on the way.  I should have taken a photo of us to capture the special moment but I didn’t.  Due to traffic on the interstate we arrived at 8:14- I had planned to be there at 8:00am.  Needless to say the ultrasound nurse was also late so we waited in the waiting room for what seemed to be years.

Finally we were called back. It was funny because the small room was filled with all of us waiting to see what was inside.  Two of the nurses joined us because they have really been a huge part of this entire journey.  Finally we were able to see 2 tiny sacks and 2 tiny flutters.  IT's TWINS!! What was really touching was when we were able to hear each little heartbeat. I had no idea that this experience would be so touching. I cried like a baby and really can’t describe this unbelievable experience.  It was so surreal and I couldn’t believe that 2 tiny miracles were inside me growing. Below is the video Jason recorded with his phone. Please don't laugh at the questions I ask or how excited we get to see the babies for the first time. :0)

As you can see in the photos below, Baby A was difficult to see due to the location of the sack.  Baby A measured 6 weeks-4 days and Baby B measured 7 weeks-1day. The nurses said that this was normal and the babies were probably close to the same size but it was hard to get an exact measurement on Baby A. I can’t believe that we are going to be parents of twins. At the point we were in our live, I never thought that we would actually be birth parents to one little baby much less two! God is go good and I am so thankful that he was blessed us with such a special gift.

After we left the doctor’s office, we made a stop by Babies-R-Us. It was amazing how all of my nausea seemed to disappear.  Jason could not believe how expensive baby items are.  I think he was in awe. It was nice to actually walk around and think about us needing all of these special items. Our lives are now changed forever.  After that stop we went to Academy to buy Jason new baseball cleats. He joined a softball league and has really been enjoying it.  After a little shopping we went to my favorite place to eat in Mobile—ZEA’s. I love their Mediterranean Hummus. It is out of this world. We had a great lunch and then returned home to spread the news to our grandparent’s.

It was nice to talk with them and share our excitement about our babies! We did remind each of them that we are waiting until 12 weeks to tell the world.  We really wanted to wait until 12 weeks to tell everyone but my grandmother has been really ill so we decided to tell our families after verifying we had 2 strong heartbeats. We stopped by Jason’s grandfather’s house first. He had been working in the yard and knew that something wasn’t right for both of us to be off work at early in the afternoon. I think I saw tears in his eyes when we told him. We then went to GanGan’s- she was so excited and mainly interested in who she could tell. It was too funny.  Then we went to my grandmothers. When we told her she just smiled quietly and said I am so happy. She then told Jason that she didn’t know if she should “Wish him well, congratulate him, or good luck him because of the twins.”  She knew too well what it was like to raise twins because she was also the mother of twins and married a twin.  It was really special to share this moment with her.  Our families are so excited! We then stopped by Paw-Paw’s  house and then DD’s house. DD said that she already knew and expected it although she didn’t know that it was twins.

One of the main reasons I wanted to keep this log was to remember all of these special moments.  

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