Wednesday, August 17, 2011

10 weeks

August 17, 2011
We I am officially 10 weeks and 1 day today. I can’t believe that I am already almost 3 months- it is crazy how time has been flying by. I am still feeling nauseous and having constipation issues. I think the morning nausea has improved over the last week but now I get headaches around 1-2PM each afternoon.  In the past, I kept ginger snaps beside the bed but now I am actually able to walk to the kitchen and fix breakfast without getting sick.  I also think the Zophran has helped a lot. I have been taking 1 pill in the morning around 9am and one in the afternoons around 3PM on my way home from work. I am working 6:30-3 and some days it feels like 3pm will never get here. 

As far as food cravings go- I haven’t really had any. I have just been trying to eat when I can to make sure the babies get the nutrients they need.  It is hard at times to eat anything.  This week I have had 2 meatball subs from Subway. I cannot believe how good they are. I would typically order a turkey sub because it was low fat but I don’t have to worry about that anymore.  I have gained 1.4 pounds. I lost around 5 pounds earlier but I have now gained that back plus 1.4 pounds more.  Although I have only gained 1.4 pounds I feel like I have gained a watermelon. I can’t believe how big my stomach is.  Today was actually my first day to wear maternity jeans to work and boy are they comfortable. I have been wearing my normal jeans with a thing called a belly band- essentially it is a spandex band that goes over where your pants button so they stay up.  Needless to say it is tight and my jeans still try to fall down all day. I think it is going to be hard to go back to the belly band.  As I was just typing I was wondering when do most women start wearing maternity jeans…. Hmmm I guess the one thing I know is that it isn’t because I have gained too much weight.

Tonight mom and dad came over for dinner. Jason went fishing Sunday and caught 14 white trout. He is going to cook dinner for us all tonight. Hopefully I will have an appetite and be able to eat.  The last few nights I haven’t been able to eat much because of feeling bad so we shall see about tonight. 

According to the development emails I receive our sweet babies are barely the size of a kumquat -- a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom -- and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce. The babies have completed the most critical portion of development. This is the beginning of the so-called fetal period, a time when the tissues and organs in his body rapidly grow and mature. If we could see the babies, we would see tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on tender skin. This is so exciting!!

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