Monday, May 28, 2012

3 Months

Wow where did the last 12 weeks go. It makes me so sad to sit here and think that these 2 little miracles have been in our lifes for 3 months.  It seems like it was just yesterday that we met you both but when I look back at pictures I see how much you have both grown and changed. It brings tears to my eyes to think that time is passing by so quickly.

Jason and I are so thankful to have such supportive families. We could not do it without all of the help, especially the help that our moms have provided us. We are both so fortunate and loved. I am now back at work full time and working shift work. It has been a big adjustment for us all.  My mom has been helping a lot on weekends and Jason's mom stays with him when I work night shifts.  Kelsey is still coming to the house and keeping the babies for us. It is such a comforting feeling to know that our sweet angels are at home and safe. 

So where are we now are 3 months??
-Both babies are wearing size 0-3 month and size 1 diapers. We really like Pamper diapers.
-Both babies are so Emfamil Prosobee Formula (Soy) and eat about 4 oz every 3 hours. Sometimes they may eat 3oz and other times 5oz.  They eat roughly every 3 hours.
-We still aren't sleeping through the night! At one point they were eating at 3am then 6am.  Now somehow we are back to 2 feeding a night.  We have been waking them between 9-10pm to get one last feeing in before night time to see if that helps but hasn't prove to help much.  We can't wait to start cereal. From what everyone has told us, the cereal will help them sleep through the night. If it doesn't we are going to need some sort of intervention.  Mommy and Daddy need sleep.  (The doctor told us that they suggest starting cereal at 4 months and feeding it with a spoon.  She said that we can try at 3 1/2 months and see if that works.  We have 2 more weeks!! Yah!)

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