Friday, September 28, 2012

7 Months

So looking back at my blog for the past few months, I realized that I have not given a good update lately so I will do my best. 

Daily Schedule: Our typical day, begins at 6:30am (well actually the babies wake up around 6:00am but we stay out of the nursery). The babies get their morning bottle of 6oz at 6:45.  Jason helps with the morning bottle before leaving for work. When I am off I have the babies for the day or when I work, Kelsey comes around 6:45am. After that we try to catch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at 7:00am.  Foster LOVES Mickey Mouse!  Anna Kate will watch it on and off but not like Foster. Both babies love the “Hotdog Dance Song” that comes on at the end of each episode. It is the cutest thing ever.

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

The babies play on the floor and in the Jumperoos until around 8:00.  Then they are fed solids (cereal and fruit) and formula from the sippy cup (2oz).  I started giving the babies a few soggy honey nut cheerios with their breakfast.  After breakfast the babies get a teething ring and then get back in bed for a nap at 8:30.  They nap for at least 1 hour. Anna Kate has been napping with a little blanket and she falls right asleep. Foster on the other hand fights it for around 30 minutes.  Lately, after he finally goes to sleep, he has been sleeping for 2 hours. We have to wake him some days. Anna Kate on the other hand, sleep for 45-1 hour. They sleep in the nursery together but in separate beds.

Both babies are up normally by 10:00 and play until their next bottle at 11:00. I know our life revolves around their feeding schedule these days :0)  The babies hold their own bottles for the 11:00 feeding.  They are getting better at it, but they can only hold the 4oz bottles so we fix 4 bottles. We feed them solids again at noon (fruit and vegetable) and then back in bed for a nap at 1:00.  They nap for a minimum of 1.5 hours.  At 3:00 they get another bottle and solids (cereal, vegetable, and fruit) at 5:00.

After 5:00 they get a little fussy because it is getting close to bedtime. Yes I know- right when we get home from work is when the fussing begins.  We try to keep them entertained until bath time at 6:30.  We are still using the small plastic baby tub for bathing. I use the Aveeno Oatmeal packs for excama and the nighttime Johnson & Johnson bath wash.  After baths, I use cocoa butter and Aquafor all over their booties and bodies. It really does work.  I use Cortaid on Foster’s face and Aveeno Cream on Anna Kate’s face. I still put cornstarch in their diapers before bed to help keep them dry. I know it sounds crazy but works great- no diaper rash issues in our house!  We stay in the nursery for quiet time until 6:45-7:00. They like to look (chew) at (on) books and be rocked.  They sleep in footed, zip-up pajamas, and Halo zip-up blankets.  They are in 9 month pj’s! Actually some of the 9 month pj’s aren’t long enough for Anna Kate. She is SO long.  Some of the longsleeve pj’s look like ¾ length on her arms- Jason and I just laugh. After their bottle they fall right to sleep. It is so hard to put them down in the crib because they are the sweetest little babies. The other night I just kept rocking and rocking Foster as tears ran down my face. We are so, so blessed.

Sleeping: Foster sleep son his tummy and Anna Kate sleeps on her back. Lately she has been sleeping some on her side. They both sleep in their crib with the noise machine on as loud as it will go.

Feeding: We are still using Gentlease Formula by Enfamil. We are still using Dr. Brown bottles. I bought the Gerber bottles but the Dr. Brown nipples didn’t work with them. :0( They love mango, pears, squash, and macaroni and cheese (small pieces). I stopped giving them banana and avocados because Foster’s face kept breaking out. We also had the stop the oatmeal a few months ago because his nose would run SO bad.  Over the past few days his face has started clearing up.  I put Cortaid on it daily and before bed. I think it is really helping. If his face stays clear a few more weeks, we are going to try the oatmeal, bananas, and avocados again.  They have tried Chic-fil-A nuggets (loved), green beans, mac & cheese, cheerios, and baked chicken. We break the food up into pea-size pieces.

Toys: They love Sophia the Giraffe which is a chew toy, the jumperoo, and the mobile which is in Anna Kate’s bed. We never turn it on during nap time only during playtime or when we are dealing with the other baby. The babies love going outside and riding in the stroller. It actually puts them to sleep. They also like swinging on the back porch.

Sizes: The babies are huge- they must take after their daddy lol. They wear size 3 diapers. We use the Pampers 12-hour diapers during the day and the Goodnight diapers by Huggies at night.  As far as clothes, they are in size 6-9 month. They are in size 12 months for onzees. I just cleaned the drawers out again! They have so many clothes and we never go anywhere! We are so fortunate to have so many hand me downs.  God has blessed us with great friends.
Just today, Jason took down the Little Lamb swing and lowered the mattresses in the cribs. The babies are starting to pull up and it won’t be long until they start crawling. Foster rocks back and forth on his hands and knees. Anna Kate doesn’t care for her tummy so she quickly rolls back to her back. She will be walking soon- I just know it.

Foster has his 2 bottom middle teeth. Jason noticed he is getting another in on the bottom as well with none on the top. Anna Kate on the other hand has 0- yes NONE :0)

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